7 May 2024
Here I am, doing what I can to contribute to making this information well known in the Narcolepsy community. The information, is the fact that we can HEAL ourselves from within, if we only let the body do it’s work. And we do that starting with diet.

I’m not the first one to say it. That diet has a huge impact in Narcolepsy. Before me, Gina Dennis (aka Madcap) has done a lot of work to spread the work and help PWNs get started with this diet. And before her, Heidi Lindborg (Zombie research insitute). And after them and thanks to them, SO many others.

I would like to try to collect testimonials from the community. So we can showcase this diet, and show the medical community that it does work. Because it so clearly does. There is a big chunk of anecdotal evidence and the science is also there to support it, just not with enough interventional studies.

But what I wanted to say today is that I started off thinking I would be sharing something new, when embarking on this journey. But I’m not, and thank God for that (No, thank you Gina for that). I’m continuing on the work made by Madcap Gina and others. Hopefully I will help the word to spread even more, in Europe and to the younger audience. Because so far, there is not much to find on this topic on e.g. Youtube etc.

Youtube is such a great source for information. People search there to find answers. They do it on Google as well, but there you find websites, which is great, but we need to show up and share the message on all platforms. And Youtube is next.

I have time now. I quit my job to do this. Maybe I will earn a little money, but that is not the point. The point is to give back and do what I can to make this diet known an obvious solution to try, for more PWNs.

With my scientific background, I hope to add some legitimicy to these stories, complementing the anectdotal evidence (which is what we got so far) with what is already known from scientific research.

The goal is to make more people aware of this solution, so they can try it and feel the benefits themselves, but also to make an impact among the people with power and the scientists (and the governmental research funds) who decide what studies should be executed. Because so far, I only found one small study that was done on Low carb diet in Narcolepsy. We need more.

If those studies prove it with data, the standard care can eventually recommend it, and that is the ultimate goal. That this diet will be considered as a standard treatment for Narcolepsy (alongside medication perhaps), just like Atkins diet can be prescribed in epilepsy, if medications don’t work.

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